It may be relevant to note that the camera was activated twice and the orb appeared as differing shapes in different locales in the footage. The leading theory appears to be that the camera caught a spider moving across the lens and that's what set the motion detected surveillance camera into action. Like most orbs, the jury is still out on this case. When her daughter saw this surveillance footage, she responded that it looked like the orb she had seen years earlier and which she believed was her aunt. What is noteworthy about this potential orb, is that the surveillance camera's owner noted that her young daughter had seen an orb after her aunt died.

She explained at the time that she lived across the street from a graveyard. She even received an alert from her security company that movement had been detected on her property. So, how do you explain an orb caught on video? In this case, a lady in Roanoke, Virginia caught a very unusual 'orb' MOVING across the lens of her video surveillance camera.

Vicki Carroll Case #2: Compelling Video With Moving Orb Is this an orb partially tucked behind a cloud? So not a ghost, but a spiritual sign? Or some unexplained issue with my digital camera? I'll never know! But the timing of the orb was something I felt could not be ignored. She was a devout servant of the Lord and it was speculated at her funeral that she was so devoted to God that she would sit close to the right hand of God in heaven. Anyone who knew my mother could be sure of one thing, she went to heaven. My mother had just passed away in recent weeks and I was en route to Hattiesburg, Mississippi where a library containing a memorial in her name exists. What's particularly interesting about this photo is it's timing.

The orb was somewhere different in every photo I took. And I suppose that a single particle of dust could have been moving around in front of my lens over the 10-15 minutes I took photos, though I felt that was highly unlikely. It could be argued that there was some moisture in the air since it was a partly cloudy day and this moisture somehow represented itself as a single orb. I had not used my flash this day so backscatter was not likely. They allegedly denote peace or calm, and it was theorized that they act as a guide in the location in which they exist. Internet research led me to a theory that blue orbs allegedly represent psychic energy and are somehow connected to heaven.

I returned home from my road trip to upload the digital photos to my computer and study them closer.